Hardship Letter Examples

   Hardship Letter Student Athlete Transfer

{Your Name}
{Your Address}
{Your Phone #}


To Whom It May Concern:

My name is {Student Name} and I am a {year} student at {Previous College}. On {date}, I am transferring to {New College} in order to better care for my {immediate family member}. I am also a {sport} player who has been approved for {Team Name}. I know that normally I would be asked to sit out the season, but since my transfer is based on familial hardship, I would like to request an exception.

My {family member} lives in {City, State}, which is {distance} from {Previous College}. On {date}, {description of illness, injury, or diagnosis}. I am now needed closer to home so that I can {description of duties and responsibilities, and why they are needed from you}. {New College} is close to home and allows me to provide better care for my {family member}.

I don't mind interrupting my education and athletic career to take care of my family and loved ones. However, I hope that this hardship to my family won't stop me from participating in a sport that I love and that has helped put me through school.

Thank you for your consideration. Please find attached a copy of my {relative}'s diagnosis, a medical summary from {his/her} doctor, {Name}, and a letter of transfer approval from {Previous College}.

Thank you,

{Sender Name}

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Index of Hardship Letter Examples