Hardship Letter Examples

   Hardship Letter School Transfer

My name is {Name} and I am writing to request a special school transfer to {School Name} for my {son/daughter}, {Child Name}. I am making this request due to undue hardship if {Child Name} is placed in {Original School Name}.

{Child Name} is {age} and in {grade}. According to district boundaries, {Child Name} is slated to attend {Original School Name} for {academic year}. However, your school {is walking distance from our home/is close to a unique job opportunity for Child/has {special program} not offered anywhere else}.

If {Child Name} is unable to attend {School Name}, {consequences, e.g. "our family will have no one to care for elderly relative"}. We do not have the ability to circumvent this issue any other way.

{Child Name} is a bright student with good grades and a {number} average. {He/she} has no disciplinary file and is involved in {activities}. I would like to ensure that {he/she} continues to have a great education and I hope that {he/she} might do so at your school.

Thank you for your consideration. Please notify me of your decision at your earliest convenience.

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Index of Hardship Letter Examples